Topband: stories

W7lr at W7lr at
Mon Sep 1 10:50:37 EDT 2003

Back in 1948 I didn't have the opportunity to operate on topband while on the 
Hallicrafter DXpedition to British East Africa, which then was VQ3 
Tanganyika, VQ4 Kenya and VQ5 Uganda.  But recently PA0ABM has written stories of that 
early expedition from material that I sent him, plus material from the other 
operator W0LHS (who used to write the Digital Bus column in World Radio). I 
thought that some of my many topband friends would like to read what dxing was 
like in those days.
You can find the web address at the end of my W7LR bio in, or at:

<A HREF=""></A>

73 and good topband dxing.   Bob W7LR  

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