Topband: Coax to ladder line question

John Harper john at
Mon Sep 22 09:55:40 EDT 2003

Good morning,

The remnants of Isabel took down my 10-80m dipole that I'd been feeding with
450-ohm ladder line. Rather than replace it, I'm probably just going to
change the feedline on my 160m semi-inverted V from RG-58 to ladder line
(via a 4:1 balun) and use it on all bands.

My question is this:
The inverted V actually has only one leg that slopes; the other is
horizontal like a dipole. By feeding it with coax, I know which leg is "hot"
and have chosen to have the horizontal section of the antenna as the one to
which the coax center conductor is connected. By going thru a balun and then
to ladder line, will there still be a "hot" and a grounded leg or will
current distibution at the feedpoint now be hot on both ends but opposite in
polarity? What I'm really trying to find out is, does it matter which side
of the ladder line is connected to which side of the dipole/inverted V?

Thanks and 73,

John Harper AE5X
Outdoor QRP & 80-Meter DXing:

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