Dennis O'Connor doconnor at
Wed Apr 14 08:32:31 EDT 2004

I lurk and so I depend on others to post on this forum for me... however
this past weekend there was a medical emergency on the Maritime Mobile
Service Net on 14.300... The propagation to the yacht in the Carribean some
80 miles south of Panama was poor... I have multiple transceivers in the
shack, so I dialed the three that happened to be turned on, onto
One was fed by an 80 meter inverted vee at 85 feet apex, one by a sloping 20
meter dipole at 45 feet at center, and one by a 40 meter horizontal loop at
17 feet (a worm burner that happens to hear like gangbusters - and worked
Rodriquez Island from Michigan last week)...  The horizontal spread between
the antennas is about 4 wavelengths at 20 meters, ~240 feet...
The improvement in both decreased deep fading and intelligibility was
noticeable, with the improvement in intelligibility being the major
feature...  There was still fading, but the depth of the fades was
reduced...  It allowed r3/r4 copy to become a solid r5...

cheers  ...  denny  K8DO

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