Topband: International DX Convention

Earl W Cunningham k6se at
Wed Apr 14 17:41:14 EDT 2004

For those of you who plan to attend the International DX Convention in
Vislaia, California on 23-25 April, don't miss the Topbanders' Forum on
Saturday, 24 April from 2:30 PM to 3:15 PM Pacific time in the Maple Room
at the convention hotel.  Both of the forum's speakers are recent QST
Topband celebrities --  see page 20 of the April 2004 issue of QST for
KH6DX/mobile and page 21 of the May 2004 issue of QST for N6WG/QRP.

The Topbanders' DX dinner will be held Friday, 23 April at 7:00 PM
Pacific time at the Cask 'n Cleaver restaurant in Visalia.  Order from
the restaurant's menu and pay your tab.  There is no other fee to attend.
 If you have not yet informed me of your intention to attend the dinner,
please do so ASAP because I must let the restaurant know on Friday, 16
April how many guests to expect.

73, de Earl, K6SE

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