Topband: Re: 1837.5 KC/1845 KC CW QRM

Roger D Johnson n1rj at
Sat Apr 17 13:09:02 EDT 2004

While I have no dog in this particular fight, I did object very
strongly to the FCC applying federal muscle to enforce a "voluntary"
band plan. While operations of Mr Wehrung, and others, may have been
a big PITA to some, it appears that they were perfectly legal under
the present FCC regulations. It is very vexing that the commission
virtually ignores all the illegal CB activity, citing lack of resources,
but they seen to have time to cite amateurs operating legally!

73, Roger

> September 12, 2001
> Mr. George W. Wehrung
> 1312 Sempronius Road
> Chappell Hill, TX 77426
> Re: Amateur license W5TZ
> Dear Mr. Wehrung:
> The Commission has received the enclosed complaint alleging that you 
> interfered with communications on the 160 Meter Amateur band in the 1800 
> to 1840 kHz portion of the band that, according to the international 
> band plan, is set aside for CW, RTTY and other narrow band modes. The 
> complaint alleges that you have deliberately operated LSB on 1820 to 
> 1825 kHz on top of CW stations.
> Band plans are voluntary in nature, but the Commission depends upon them 
> because they minimize the necessity for Commission resources to be used 
> in solving Amateur problems and they provide an opportunity for Amateurs 
> to use various modes of Communications. Where interference results from 
> band plans not being followed, the Commission expects substantial 
> justification to be shown by the operators ignoring the band plans.
> Section 308(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, gives the 
> Commission the authority to obtain information from licensees about the 
> operation of their stations. Accordingly, you are requested to respond 
> to the enclosed complaint within 20 days of this letter. Please address 
> your response to 1270 Fairfield Road at the letterhead address. Please 
> be advised that Congress had made punishable a willfully false or 
> misleading reply to a letter of this type.
> You may call me at 717-338-2502 if you have any questions about this 
> matter.

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