Topband: Re: 1837.5 KC/1845 KC CW QRM
Roy D Lincoln
wa4dou at
Mon Apr 19 23:20:05 EDT 2004
Bill, I'm not much for phone operation, but I understand and agree
that 1843 khz. is the lower limit that one should set their vfo to when
operating LSB. That is what I was thinking even though making reference
to 1840 khz. I think its important to make that distinction as it is not
necessarily apparent to all of us otherwise. 73 Roy WA4DOU
On Mon, 19 Apr 2004 22:35:25 -0400 Bill Tippett <btippett at>
> WA4DOU wrote:
> >As for me, I will rigidly
> adhere to observance of 1840 the dividing line between
> phone and narrow modes, 100% of the time.
> Good for you Roy. I would just like to add one comment
> about 1840 versus the 1843 recommendation in the ARRL Bandplan.
> 1840 was the "old" Bandplan limit and it meant sideband bandwidth
> should not extend below that limit. This is the same definition
> the FCC uses and is of course why we should never transmit LSB on
> carriers below 1843, 3753 or 7153 if we don't want the lower part
> of our LSB signal to fall below the band edge. The ARRL Bandplan
> Committee decided to recommend a LSB CARRIER frequency of 1843
> which we felt was easier to understand than the previous 1840 edge.
> In fact they are identical for a 3 kHz LSB signal. Technically the
> 1840 edge definition is the better one, especially since some guys
> are now using wider bandwidths on SSB, but the Committee felt using
> the 1843 LSB carrier frequency would be better understood by most
> so that all of their bandwidth would stay above 1840.
> I just wanted to explain the rationale behind 1843. BTW,
> all
> 3 Regional IARU Bandplans are consistent in recommending no SSB
> bandwidth below 1840 (which is consistent with our Bandplan).
> 73, Bill
> W4ZV
> P.S. I just worked a bunch of guys running 100 milliwatts out from
> my K2. W8JI put pads on his 200 milliwatts and got his signal down
> to 20 microwatts! I could still copy him even in tonight's QRN
> using a lame Beverage in his direction (I have a fallen tree on
> it).
> This brings up another FCC regulation that states we should use the
> minimum power necessary, and we sometimes forget about that. I had
> more fun playing QRP tonight than I have in a long time!
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