Topband: new column for 160 frequency allocations .xls

Dennis Peterson dennis.peterson at
Tue Apr 27 09:18:41 EDT 2004

Reflectees;  At a suggestion from Bill/W4ZV regarding the addition of a new
column on the frequency allocations listing for 160.

That new column is called DIGITAL and is located under I the last column.
If you know the DIGITAL preferences for your country to and for this mode
send an email directly to me at dennis.peterson at and I will add
this info to the listing.

I hope I don't get a swarm of emails all at once with this, but if I do
please be patient and I will post ASAP but it will only be in EXCEL FORMAT
for the time being.  It takes awhile longer to get it in .txt format for
those wishing the same.

Thanks and 73's

Dennis   KØCKD

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