Topband: ON4UN at W9DXCC this year

James Jorgensen k9rj at
Mon Aug 2 21:45:31 EDT 2004

TOPBAND DXers will want to know that ON4UN is the guest speaker at W9DXCC this year.  See the announcement below.  K9DX (9-element phased vertical arrays on 160 and 80) and WB9Z will also participate in a Low-Band forum.
See you  there -- Jim, K9RJ

The Northern Illinois DX Association is pleased to announce the 52nd annual  W9DXCC Convention.  The 2004 convention will be at a new location, the Holiday Inn in Elk Grove Village, IL, conveniently located to Chicago O'Hare International Airport, Woodfield Mall and other suburban attractions.  

Our banquet speaker is John Devoldere, ON4UN.  John may be one of the few hams in the world who literally "needs no introduction."  John will also be appearing during the day, along with John Battin K9DX and Jerry Rosalius WB9Z, in the Low Band Forum.  Eric Scace K3NA will be on hand with the story of the 3B9C Rodrigues Island 150,000+ QSO DXpedition.  Jay Terleski WX0B will tell us about his Fort Bragg NC military antenna farm, featuring phased log periodics.  Scott Robbins W4PA will have the Ten-Tec Orion Story and Lee Finkel KY7M has his 5U5Z African Adventure to relate.  Propagation expert Carl Luetzelschwab K9LA will be back for his fifth year as he updates our prospects in the declining years of Cycle 23.  The ARRL Forum again features Central Division Director Dick Isely W9GIG, Vice Director Howie Huntington K9KM, DX Advisory Committee Chairman Jim McConnell W9WU, and Membership Service Chairman and Logbook of the World Guru Wayne Mills, N7NG.  For the IOTA fans, Mike McGirr K9AJ, Jim Model K9PPY, and Gordon Bazsali WB9EEE will have the latest Island News.

We even have a couple of innovations for 2004 - After many, many years of "chicken or beef'"  we have a third banquet menu choice, broiled salmon.  Our second innovation is at the recently updated website (  We have a link to the new convention hotel, the Holiday Inn in Elk Grove Village IL.  You can go directly from our site to theirs and book your room for the convention.  Just be sure to enter our "Group Booking Code" - W9D.  This gets you the special $69 rate and complementary hot breakfast.  You can hardly afford to sleep at home. :<)

Our hard working prize chairman Mark Potter W9UZ has already received commitments for another great prize list, and we are pleased that ICOM has come through again with a IC706 MKIIG transceiver, which will be used as the raffle prize, proceeds to the Northern California DX Foundation for DXpedition funding.  The last two raffles have produced over $3,300 for our friends at NCDXF.  

You can register on-line or request more info -  w9va at

73  Bill  W9VA   2004 W9DXCC Chairman (Yet Again!)

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