Topband: Two Wire Beverage Query...

Larry Molitor w7iuv at
Fri Aug 20 15:09:59 EDT 2004

How close is "fairly close"? Are we talking twin lead close? Commercial 450 ohm ladder line close? Is 6 inches to far? 
At what point does the ratio of surge impedance to ground resistance cause the system to become unworkable? I really don't have a feel for this at all, can you give me some clues?
Frozen dirt is new to me also. Winter antenna work in AZ meant shorts, t-shirt, and sun blocker. Now I need Carharts, and electric socks and gloves. No more soldered connections, you can't solder in 40 MPH winds at blow freezing temperatures. I have learned to use wire nuts for most connections and can put them on without taking off the gloves!
Larry - W7IUV

Tom Rauch <w8ji at> wrote:

If they are good enough for a single wire antenna, they are
good enough for a reversible system if wire spacing is kept
fairly close.

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