Topband: Two Wire Beverage Query...

Missouri Guy, N0TT n0tt1 at
Fri Aug 20 23:22:01 EDT 2004

  Tom wrote:
> An example of this is all the DXpeditions that try Beverages
> at locations where saltwater is under the antenna. They come
> away swearing at the antenna, rather than a swearing by it.

Heh heh...
That's absolutely true...I was told that very recently by an
OP that experienced that.  If a Beverage is placed near or
over highly conductive areas like salt water, an ocean beach, 
 and the like then a Beverage isn't going to work well at all. 
I think the "Salt Dale" guys also had some experience with that. :)

I recall some info in the Low Band DXing book, (v3) 
about where to place/not place Beverage antennas.  One 
of the "rules" said to keep any buried wires away at least
the distance of the height of the antenna.  So if one has to
run any conductors such as coax feeds, control cables, etc
parallel to a Beverage, then those conductors should be
more than 10 feet away from directly under the antenna.

In another post RE salt water and Beverages,  another OP said 
(in effect) that he was told a Beverage doesn't work well on an island 
surrounded by salt water.  Folklore?  Does anyone have any facts to
back that up?  


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