Topband: Beverage insulators

Missouri Guy, N0TT n0tt1 at
Sun Aug 29 15:53:23 EDT 2004

Jim, K1PX wrote:

> Since all of my beverages, RX loop and 450 ohm feedlines run 
> through
> dense woods, I use Radio Shack screw-in TV feed line insulators to 
> hold
> everything up through the trees.
> For the 450 line, I just use one side of the feedline through the 
> insulated
> opening to support it.
> I've done this for years with no problems but if a tree limb comes 
> down,
> of course, it has to be repaired/replaced.

Hi Jim, et al

What has to be repaired/replaced...the feedline?  If so, you
might try one break-a-way method I have used with success, and 
I'll try to describe how it is made/used:

1.  One section of sked 40 1.5" pcv pipe, about 1.5 inches long,
     remove any rough edges.
2.  Drill a pilot hole through both walls of the pipe at the center.
3.  Then drill a larger hole through one wall of the pipe to accept
     a screw.
4.  Drill a much larger hole through the opposite wall to allow
     the screw head and a screwdriver blade to pass through.
5.  Clamp the pipe by its ends and saw a slightly diagonal slot 
     at ~90 degrees from the 2 holes that were drilled.
6.  Fasten pipe to tree with one screw.
7.  Force open the saw slot and slip in the twinlead.
8.  Allow the feedline to slip not secure it to the
     pipe or tree!!!
9.  When a tree falls across the line, the pipe will give way,
     saving the feedline.


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