Topband: C56JHF - 160 tonight

Bernie McClenny bernie at
Wed Dec 1 09:57:05 EST 2004

SM0JHF, Henryk, is currently QRV from The Gambia as C56JHF.  He says he will
be active tonight on 1825 starting after 2200Z.  Henryk has a somewhat non
current QSL policy.  He does not want any QSLs (none via the bureau, none
direct).  He sends QSLs to everyone via the bureau automatically.  He (or
someone else) put some bogus information on his QRZ.COM page to QSL to
W2NSD.  I've spoken to "elsupremo" and he says he is not the QSL manager for
anyone and that SM0JHF is probably ticked off at Wayne about 73 Magazine.
The bottom line is that SM0JHF QSLs automatically via the bureau.  Please
don't ask many any other questions about SM0JHF as I really don't have any
other answers or any real reliable way of contacting him.  Oh he should be
QRV for about another 5 or 6 days.

Bernie, W3UR

Bernie McClenny, W3UR

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