Topband: Info from VK9XG

George Taft w8uvz at
Thu Dec 2 10:59:07 EST 2004

Charlie send news re the latest QRV on top band:

I was not on last night except right at my sunset.  Had to go out for 
and too tired to ham so I missed the first night since I have been 
Salt caused a major flashover on the antenna this morning so I could 
effectively work EU.  Hence I had to wait until daylight to figure out 
was wrong and then fix the salt trace between antenna and ground.  It 
ate into the fiberglass insulator but got it fixed.  This is another 
I cannot move far as the bandwidth is still narrow.

Also he notes that he is gg to try to stick to 1826.5 for the immediate 
future.  Conflict with DU for the 1828.5 QRG, I suspect.

>From my recollection of condx on VK9 in 99, the noise comes up very 
rapidly after SS - thus the difficulty hearing the callers in NA.  EU 
should go better as a reverse situation occurs with the nearness to 
SR.  I found that the tx antenna was most useful near VK9 SR.

Charlie will continue on with low bands until his departure on Dec 
9th.  Murphy has caused some problems but he still has the rig and amp 
doing okay.


73  George  W8UVZ
CoreComm Webmail.

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