Topband: Triple slopers

Tree tree at
Mon Dec 6 12:38:47 EST 2004

> I wonder if the triple sloper systems aren't acting as a very 
> sparse discone?  If so, improvements could be made by adding 
> additional sloping (skirt) wires and detuning the tower below 
> the attachment point.  Detuning or sectionalizing the tower below 
> the attachment point would force additional current into the top 
> ("disk") portion of the antenna further increasing efficiency. 

If doing this - make sure to notice the error in the ON4UN book
that says to adjust the current in the detuning loop to minimum.

The correct procedure is maximum in the detuning loop.  Or, another
way to do it is minimum below the detuning circuit - if you can figure
out how to measure that current.  I found I could measure 1/3 of the 
current (one tower leg) by using some ferrite pieces around the leg
making a current transformmer (several turns of wire into a load 
resistor).  Used a scope.

Tree N6TR
tree at

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