Topband: Hi all de CU2JU
cu2ju at
Tue Dec 7 14:42:20 EST 2004
Hello there again,
Here is something that I have been studing, most of my life I tryed to follow rules, some already
called me "chiken" but thas how lived my young life till today, ok theres always little details u
keep for ur self, but regarding law, I try to avoid problems, some of you migth not know, but
acoording to ANACOM ("FCC" in Portugal) on 160m we can only use a small spectrum of it, it is
somehow unfare to what I have been reading:
For example for region 1 IARU recomends:
1810 to 1838 CW
1838 to 1840 dig, exept paket and CW
1840 to 1842 dig, exept paket, phone and CW
1842 to 2000 phone and CW.....
NOW here is what ANACOM legislates for us (CT, CT3 and CU)
1830 to 1850 A1A, F1A, J3E
Thats ALL, yep Thats ALL :-)
So no wonder I never heard much activity in this band , well as a novice in this band I still have
alot to learn, what about you guys out there, how does it work?
I guess theres not to mni portuguese or madeira or azores in 160m but as we are in Region 1 I wonder
why theres so little space for us??
My big surprise was this weekend when I heard a lot of activity below and above my limits, this is
similar to 40meters, i mean when are we once for all have World Wide bands, in all of them, wouldnt
be much more easy?
Well just to let u know...
73's de Ricardo Chaves
CU2JU - HM77ET - EU003
ex:CU2AAV NOV1999/JUL2004
cu2ju at
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