Topband: unusual conditions

N1BUG paul at
Sun Dec 19 19:24:05 EST 2004

I knew something was up when I started hearing Europe nearly 
an hour before my sunset (Sunday). 20 minutes before sunset 
some of the European stations were already S9.

UK8DAN peaked 569 right at my sunset. It was a narrow peak, 
coming from the noise to 569 in about 5 minutes and fading 
to noise again in another 5 minutes. EX2A was 449 at times, 
as was YX7A... but neither of these peaked until well after 
sunset. Unfortunately I was not able to work any of them, 
but it is very unusual for those of us with high angle 
antennas to even hear that stuff. I would say this is one 
of the most unusual propagation events I have ever 
witnessed on top band!

I tried to spot UK8DAN sooner but every time I transmit, RF 
causes my internet connection to drop and it takes a couple 
of minutes to restart it. Wouldn't you know, this only 
happens on 160 !!!

Shortly after sunset QRN came up to summer-like levels 
making it tough to hear anything. I need receive antennas.

Paul N1BUG

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