Topband: Coax capacitor losses

Tree tree at
Mon Dec 20 01:41:13 EST 2004

On Mon, Dec 20, 2004 at 01:12:32AM -0500, Tom Rauch wrote:
> > I transmitted with full power (1500W) for several minutes
> on 1805.15 -
> > key down (yes, that was me at 04:10 UTC).
> > Therefore, I think it is safe to conclude that the power
> lost in a
> > coaxial capacitor due to whatever losses there might be is
> pretty
> > minimal and will not have a significant impact on your
> transmitted
> > signal strength.
> Not actually. The conclusion does not fit the test.

Okay - so - how much power from 1500 watts will result in a
significant impact on the signal strength?  

I am confident that if there was 20 watts being dissipated, it would 
feel warm to the touch.  There isn't that much thermal mass in a 
10 foot length of RG-213.  I could warm it up with my hand.
I guess I can hook one up to a DC power supply and push some current 
through it to prove it.

But, even if there was 50 watts burning up there - which I am sure
you would agree could be felt - that is about only about 0.15 db.


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