Topband: N2XE 80M Beacon 80 uW Test Monday thru Thursday

John C Ceccherelli cecchere at
Mon Dec 27 12:29:56 EST 2004

I will be running the Beacon at 80 uW level Monday through Thursday this
week from 1900Z until 1330Z the following morning.  One of those days
hopefully will produce good reception.  I will not comment on the test or
it's progress until the the test is complete.  I will publish the results
Thursday afternoon.

Please do not ask me if you're copy is correct, just send your best and
final when you fell you have it.  I am keeping the secret code word very
close to the vest this time.

The frequency is 3545.5 KHz +/- 40 Hz.  When you reply to
cecchere at use this for the Subject; N2XE Beacon - XXXXX [where
XXXXX is the code word]

Use the following format:  Call, Name  Grid Square [full six characters]
Town, State/Province, Time (Zulu), RST, Rig and antenna used

Good Luck, Happy Listening, 73 and CU Thursday!

John Ceccherelli

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