Topband: Is there a good commercial antenna?

R. Earle Sanders nt7y at
Mon Jul 26 15:49:56 EDT 2004

   Sincerely asking a simple question.  I am 73 and am afflicted with
several health problems, .
I would like to take advantage of this summer weather to make a decent stab
at putting up an acceptable antenna for 160 and 75.  I already have an
inverted V for those bands which works fairly well and envision that the new
antenna would be some type of vertical.  My question is, do you know of a
160/75 antenna(vertical) that is available to fit my needs?  I already have
antennas(beams) that cover from 40 M and up so really don't need multiband
coverage.  I have seen info on the Unihat vertical but do not know if they
are still made? I am realistic enough to know that in my present situation I
will not be a top band " big gun" but would like to at least make an
appearance.  I have arthritis so bad that CW is very difficult these days.
It looks like 75 and 160 ssb is my goal.  What's your suggestions.

Earle, nt7y

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