Topband: two wires Beverage

Donald Chester k4kyv at
Wed Jul 28 11:01:20 EDT 2004

>I might worry a little about loss when dry also. I'm not
>sure how this line behaves as a transmission line at radio

Before WW2 and the advent of coax cable, many hams used "twisted pair" to 
feed dipoles.  I recall  a local ham (now sk) who still had his as late as 
the 1960's.  It looked to me like the normal, rubber covered outdoor 
electrical wire used years ago, twisted together to form the  cable.  
Construction is described in older ARRL handbooks,and some companies even 
advertised twisted pair commercially manufactured for the application.

Field telephone line probably has some loss, but I suspect it is not 
excessive.  I have used the stuff (not for feedlines), and recall that the 
insulation is some kind of black plastic with a very durable transparent 
jacket over that.  Several of the strands are copper and the rest are steel. 
  I have been known to use the steel strands to form homemade meter shunts.

Don k4kyv

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