Topband: HR5/OH3JF

Tom Rauch w8ji at
Thu Mar 4 17:02:55 EST 2004

> Can somebody from NA say to Henry move little bit up from 1827.0 to 1827.5
> I have broadcast carrier there and very difficult to copy him. EA6SX has
> same problem.
> HR my last continental country from SA&NA.
> Thanks in advance,


We in NA should always remind people about BC harmonics falling on multiples
of 9 when working VK/ZL and Europe.

I hope everyone in the rest of the world remembers 1820 and 1830 and most
other multiples of ten are largely useless for most inland stations in CA
and NA. I'm not sure what SA uses for BC frequencies, but 1820 and 1830 are
terrible here.

73 Tom

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