Topband: Erecting irrigation pipe

Larry Molitor w7iuv at
Thu Mar 11 10:43:23 EST 2004

The top of my 90 footer is a little heavier. I use a 0.070 wall 40 foot pipe for the gin pole with a double line pully system ala N6RK. It's all I can do to raise the vertical the first few feet off the ground by myself. When I rebuild it, I will either use a three line pully or a winch system.
Larry - W7IUV

Richard Karlquist <richard at> wrote:

For my 60 foot (3 inch diameter) verticals, I use a
30 foot piece of 2 inch irrigation tubing as a gin pole.
It's a cinch to raise and lower it by hand. The 90
foot verticals require more sophistication, ie pulleys,
but are quite doable.

Rick N6RK 

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