Topband: 3B9C

Milt Jensen, N5IA n5ia at
Wed Mar 24 20:52:19 EST 2004

0100:  Home from the regular work day.

0115:  Alpha and MP ready.  The sun is still 10 minutes high in the western
sky in extreme Southwest New Mexico.

0118:  Heard first ID of 3B9C on 1.822.

0130:  Sig strong enough to call.  Can hear callsigns as he replies to the
ones he hears.  W5PJR has LOUD key clicks 2 kHz and more down, totally
obscuring the 3B9C signal.

0132:  No response to my calls on three tries.

0134:  Answers N5KO? a couple of times.  I repeat call sign, N5IA.

0135:  In the log.

0138-0145:  3B9C works others in SW USA.  Signal still getting stronger.

0145:  All equipment turned off as the wife has steaks ready for the grill.

0200:  Eating elk steak and baked potatoes with corn and green beans on the

I like Top Band DXing!!!!!!!!!!

As a veteran of the Top Band operations at XZ1N (1998) and XZ0A (2000) and
knowing what it takes to make it happen from that part of the world, I
congratulate the 160 Meter operators at 3B9C for doing it right.

73 de Milt, N5IA

73 de Milt, N5IA

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