Topband: Thanks Topbanders!

Eric Rosenberg wd3q at
Mon May 17 22:33:01 EDT 2004

A quick note of thanks to George, W8UVZ for letting me come (on very 
late notice) to the Dayton Topband dinner, W2GD and southern NJ crew 
for the ride, K9AY for the dinner conversation, AA1K for LOTS and LOTS 
of antenna ideas, and to all of the attendees for a really enjoyable 
evening !

To those who ask why am I crazy enough to try 160 from a small city 
lot, the answer is quite simple.  Helping out this crowd is worth all 
the effort.

Topbanders are quite a special group, and operating on 160 is quite an 
experience. They don't call it the magic band for nothing!

73 and thanks again to all.

Eric W3DQ
Washingon, DC 

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