Topband: Receivers

Tree tree at
Fri Nov 12 15:12:27 EST 2004

On Fri, Nov 12, 2004 at 02:11:14PM -0500, Tom Rauch wrote:
> > IMHO (getting really brave jumping in here - so emphasis
> on the H),
> > the "in band" IMD is a very important feature when using a
> receiver
> > that will be dealing with lots of noise (like Topband).
> Indeed it is.
> This is the difference between receivers I like to use for
> weak CW signals and those I refuse to use.
> I hope the ARRL will be testing and reporting that
> characteristic soon in reviews.

I have started seeing this in the extended product reviews the ARRL
does.  For example, on page 23 of the extended product review of the
IC703 shows inband IMD - showing the typical -35 db products.

I assume the RF level is being set by the AGC.  They show four 
graphs - with S9 and S9+60 db levels, and the AGC fast and slow.


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