Topband: Receivers

Paul Playford w8aef at
Mon Nov 15 16:35:31 EST 2004

That would require that Yaesu admit making a mistake.

And if they ever did admit making one then Icom would have to admit their
error and quit truncating QSK cw elements.

Naaah.  To much ripple effect.

de Paul, W8AEF

-----Original Message-----
From: topband-bounces at [mailto:topband-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Jon Zaimes AA1K
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2004 2:12 PM
To: Tom Rauch; Charles Bibb; topband at
Subject: Re: Topband: Receivers

Fortunately the W8JI key click mode took care of that problem on my MP and
many others....and it's so simple it is indeed hard to believe Yaesu hasn't
incorporated it in the MP and MkV at the factory.

73/Jon AA1K

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