Topband: EZNEC Coaxial Transmission-Line Model

Dick and Adele Bingham binghamstehekin at
Fri Nov 19 13:40:17 EST 2004

Greetings everyone

I am not sure my interpretation of using EZNEC models for transmission-lines is correct. If one of you has a short file using a transmission-line (to feed a Dipole/Collinear/Sterba-Array/etc), I would appreciate receiving a copy.

I am investigating a 160-M dipole in the environs of a 160-M Sloping Half-Square and wish to effect an open/short at the feed-
point to detune the dipole when it is not in use. I want to examine the effects - if any - the vertical part of the TL has on the Half-
Square pattern/gain when the dipole is detuned. I have to use lightweight 1/8-th inch coax because the ladder-line gets too 
heavy when loaded with snow/ice.

Any assistance will be appreciated... 

73 de w7wkr - CN98pi
Dick Bingham
Stehekin, WA 

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