Topband: Need advise on new antenna

Yuri Onipko ve3dz at
Sat Oct 23 09:53:00 EDT 2004

I recently decided to replace my half sloper with something else.
My choices are:
1. To feed my 56' self-supported Trylon tower (with TH6DXX on a top at 60')
2. Inverted L with vertical part of about 50-55'.

Which would be the better one in regards of performance and ability to tune.
How about radials? Considering they all will be on the ground, do they need
to be of exact length (tuned) or random length?  My lot is small, only 50' x
120' and the portion of backyard where actually the tower stands is approx.
50' by 50' so I can't put 120' long radials...

Thanks in advance fir any tip.

Yuri  VE3DZ

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