Topband: Yet Another New Antenna...!

Ed Swynar gswynar at
Mon Oct 25 13:22:21 EDT 2004

Well, I spent the better part of the day to-day taking down my east-west inverted "U" grounded half loop antenna, and re-configuring it into a new inverted "L" (east side) right next to a second new inverted "L", cut to be a director element (west side)...this is along similar lines to John DeVoldere's 3-element vertical parasitic array for 160, in his second edition of LOW-BAND DX'ING...

I placed a small amount of inductance bewtween the base of the parasitic element & ground to (hopefully) make it act as a reflector (beaming east)---with alligator clips I can simply short the coil out thus grounding the element, & making it act as a director (beaming west).

I can hardly wait until to-night to see if it works...hopefuly the band will be co-operative.

If this thing bombs out, then at least I'll have ended-up with another invereted "L", which is 1/4-wavelength away from the first one I erected yesterday...I guess I could always try some sort of phasing arrangement for gain & directivity...

Wish me luck!

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

PS: The first inverted "V" grounded half loop, which gave me such fits,  has been "morphed" into nothing more glamorous than counterpoise wires for the new "L's". Looks good on it! Hi Hi

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