Topband: Not so Boring Report

Ryszard Tymkiewicz rtym at
Thu Oct 28 02:22:00 EDT 2004

Tree you were sometimes 579 yesterday here and I heard a few
W7/W6 with good signals too...VA5DX was peaking S8 but the
problem was you were always calling someone from EU and it
was not your frequency.I don't like to call CQ too much /as many/ 
and my setup is not the best /power and antennas/ so I prefer
to look for DX.I know the Band is overcrowded in NA too but just
try to call CQ a few times between 1810-1815 KHz where usually
not one from EU is calling.Maybe if there is problem with making QRM
to other NA stations a good solution is to call below 1810 kHz and QSX up..?
I remember Jukka VP6BR was doing it with a great succes.


                 rtym at

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