Topband: 160 M Band Plan

Tree tree at
Fri Oct 29 15:27:21 EDT 2004

> So what I am saying is that on the 3 weekends a year the die hard, non  SSB
> contest, 160 meter operators are most likely out of luck in keeping SSB from
> below 42.

Pretty much.  This also happens during the NAQPs where there are a couple of 
hours of pretty intense SSB activity.  

During the CW contests (ARRL 160, Stew Perry and CQ 160), it is common to hear
CW contacts way up in the SSB part of the band, so maybe it averages out some.

I'll be down around 1812 trying to work DX on CW this weekend.  Hope that 
won't be a problem.

Last night, N0AX visited and even though we had pretty bad noise from the 
500 kV lines a few miles away (due to wet WX), Ward managed to make a 
handful of European QSOs - including DF2PY with 100 watts.  I pushed Ward
out of the chair long enough to work Steve, HA0DU, for a new state.  We
had met at WRTC-1996 and I promised him that we would eventually work on
160 - and now we have.

I took Ward outside this AM to show him the antenna he was using.  A 
simple shunt fed 72 foot tower with about 20 radials.   

Good luck to everyone in the contest.  Maybe there will be a few juicy
ones show up.

73 Tree N6TR
tree at

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