Topband: old pattern repeated this cycle

Dr .Wolf Ostwald df2py at
Thu Sep 30 01:44:00 EDT 2004

hi reflectees !
Like at the same place one cycle ago, we see around the third week of September, openings into the left coast.
Why that is ? - we have common darkness before that time of the year. But it might take some time on the west coast for the D and E layer to disintegrate to an extent that absorption falls low enough to allow sufficient S/N ratio for QSOs. Maybe NM7N would know about it.
For a surprise we first time heard and worked N7XM from Nevada today, a guarantee for good activity next time frm him on topband. W7IUV, Larry, showed up for the first time from his new home in WA-state and George,W2VJN( /7) threw in the best sig from the coast of Oregano !
good DXing everybody!  de wolf  df2py 

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