Topband: Broadband vertical

Earl W Cunningham k6se at
Wed Apr 6 15:28:35 EDT 2005

AD3F wrote:

"My shunt wire consists of two parallel #14 wires separated from each
other by 18 inches and held off the tower face two feet.  Perhaps this
arrangement is what helps my shunt-fed tower exhibit such a broad BW 
on 160M."
A Swedish ham on this reflector used a similar shunt feed.  Out of
curiosity on how much the two wide-spaced wires would increase the BW
over a single shunt feed wire, I modeled his tower with both types of
shunt feed.

The two-wire shunt feed increased his BW from about 100 kHz to about 105
kHz.  The biggest difference was that the two-wire shunt feed had to
connect to his tower several feet higher to hit the 50-ohm "sweet spot".

73, de Earl, K6SE

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