Topband: de CU2JU Ricardo II

Ricardo cu2ju at
Fri Aug 19 13:21:16 EDT 2005

I forgot to say a few things!

Last december I worked the contest with the main intention of getting the much US States I could, 
not many people asked or actualy imagine how I worked this contest, being on first place was a big 
surprise, by the way first place Low Power!

If some dont know, I passed the CW exam last year so I migth be considered a "rookie" wich I think I 
am, My workign conditions where a Icom 706MK2G (my portable station)100 watts output, a cheap manual 
CW Key, a paper logbook and a pencil, a cpl of packs of cigareets (yes I know I know, cant help it) 
and a LOT of good luck plus a generous mother nature with propagation!

One thing that kept me from maybe getting a few more nice states was that as my first contest 
(international) I didnt know anything abt it, for the first hours I chased stations, I remmember 
K1TTT making several pauses when I called him mani times with my modest station, I wonder what were 
they thinking, after several times trying he got me, he said something more than the ordinary 599 
TU, but I was so nervous I couldt even difrence noise from cw sometimes, and imagine this with no 
filters, but the IC706 makes a good job with the notch and the NR!

After a few hours in the loong mornning hunting W/VE stations some guy with a huge signal told me:
What are you doing??? you should be in the DX window, ur loosing time hehe hehe, I guess thats what 
happens to rookies!!!

Anyway, I finaly stoped being stupid, and after making the first calls, that was it (i guess i was 
in the cluster by then) ohh and BTW,  where I operate 160m I dont have internet!!!

It was a great weekend, I learned lots of things (the hard way hi)

There, the story of my first contest!
Thank you for reading !

73's de Ricardo Chaves
CU2JU - HM77ET - EU003
ex:CU2AAV NOV1999/JUL2004
cu2ju at

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