Topband: PJ2 Topband Operations November 17-29 herbs at
Fri Dec 2 13:43:29 EST 2005

Jeff Maass" <jmaass at>
Re: Your concern for lack of JA path to PJ2.......>> During the 
48-hours of CQWW
CW, the PJ2T Multi-Multi >> operation logged 1043 QSOs in 24 Zones and 91

> Jeff,

After getting a call and working JA7NI (who was a good 579) I sort of 
expected a
big JA openning to the Caribbean.  It did not happen as he was the one an only
JA. I did get a great exchange with ZL3IX but never hear nor worked KH6 
and KL7
although I listened right on their TX frequency. My goal was DXCC on one
weekend with a typical home station from a good location.  I only got 82
contries, some thing that would have taken years to do a decade ago.  I 
did get
WAS both nights within a few hours with C4 and 4X4WN calling me.  Both had
phenominal signals while most southern Europeans were in the noise. For some
reason things were reversed here with the Scandinavian stations much stronger
and easy to work that the SE Euros.  But then what explins the thundering
signals of C4, A45, and 4X4?

The first night DX signals were not skewed but also not following the normal
Beverage alignment either.  Saturday morning I walked all the Beverages or
measured for broken terminations because of the loss of directivity noticed on
Friday night (Saturday morning.)  None were found and Saturday night all the
Beverages performed as normal with many low power inverted L Euros making it
the log amid the static crashes from passing storms. Also for some strange
reason my
delta configured pennant (aimed at 350 degrees) was a real killer at 
times.  Yet
W6's reported me deaf and VY2ZM (reported always consistently strong in 
was always in the noise here and never about 559 no matter what antena was

I have never heard conditions quite like this before not even during a solar
blitz. I assume a lot of spot propagation which allowed contacts which
otherwise may not have happened.  This could be veiwed as sort of the great
equalizer on topband giving smaller stations a least a chance.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

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