Topband: last night in NW

Larry Molitor w7iuv at
Thu Jan 20 13:46:46 EST 2005

--- Rudy Severns <rudys at> wrote: 
The gold ring goes to
> those who simply
> persist in listening and don't sweat the forecast!

Maybe not always!

European stations were heard here starting around
0430z. By 0600z I had heard about a dozen and called
about 6 or so of the loudest with no success. The best
I could do was a couple of QRZ's followed by more
CQ's. Nursing a cold, tired and real cranky, I decided
it wasn't worth the effort and went to bed. Maybe if I
had stuck it out I might have put one or two in the
log, maybe not.

The 80° beverage was hearing as good as or better than
the 40° beverage indicating a skew path. On those few
occasions in the past that I have heard European
stations on skew path, I have not been able to work
any. In retrospect, I should have stuck it out and
tried to break the pattern.

Larry - W7IUV

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