Topband: T-antenna vs Inverted L

ku8e at ku8e at
Tue Jan 25 14:53:32 EST 2005

  Tell me if you think it's worth the effort to put back up my Inverted L that fell down during the 
  summer ?  It was about 45 foot vertical and the remaining 85 ft was horizontal. I had 4 full size 130 ft
  elevated radials on it. It worked good...  I worked all states in the CQWW 160 - even had KL7 call me 
  and had little trouble working the big gun EU stations running only 100 watts.

   I presently have a 88 ft long zepp up about 45 ft.  It is a flat top - not and inverted vee.  I was thinking 
 of  shorting the 450 ohm feeder and feeding it as a "T" antenna on 160.  I was going to put a similar 
 radial system on it - maybe even adding a few more.  Is this antenna long enough to feed as a "T" ?
 I have heard people using G5RV's - that are 102 ft long and putting a radial system under it with 
 some success. 

 Interested in hearing from anyone who has used both the "T" and the Inverted L.  I want to get on and play in CQWW 160 CW but don't have lot's of time to do antenna work between now and then....

                      Jeff  KU8E

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