Topband: CQ160 Contest

Joe - WDØM WD0M at
Sun Jan 30 15:29:41 EST 2005

The contest started out with a mini-disaster, when condensation formed in 
the SPG electrical box just outside the house and dripped on the coaxial 
connector going to the ICE lightning protector, causing a short.  I was 
running the Alpha 87a at legal input, and it smoked the connector and ICE 
lightning protector, causing strange SWR indications.  Since the snow was 
pretty deep, and it was about midnight, I just climbed into bed the first 
night after only a few QSOs.

Got it fixed the next day, and that evening was back in a SAP mode, just 
picking up a few stations.  The highlights were D4B (incredible OP and 
signal), VP2E, KP2ZZ, VP5/K9NW, KL7J (for my 50th state on 160 - thanks 
Les!), and VY2ZM.  I saw lots of EU spots, but never heard any - too many 
east coast stations calling them.

This is the first time I've used beverage antennas, and WOW what a 
difference!  I also put an ICE BCB filter on the 756 Pro, and it sure 
helped to knock down the interference.  I was amazed at how strong signals 
were across the band - virtually S9 plus from bottom to top.

Had a great time, despite the difficult start.  Looking forward to next year!


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