Topband: TA3J/4 "For the memory of Bahri KACAN, TA2BK (SK)"

Berkin AYDOGMUS, TA3J ta3j at
Tue Jul 19 13:23:59 EDT 2005

Dear Friends,

For the memory of Turkish Unforgettable Topman"...

Berkin, TA3J/4 (OM) will be active only on SSB on 80,
40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters for Antalya Bababurnu
Lighthouse (ARLHS#TUR 065) (KM56JU) on July 23, 2005
"For the memory of Bahri KACAN, TA2BK (SK)" (
)Special Lighthouse QSL card. QSL via bureau or direct
(SASE+New IRC only, no greenstamp please). SWL QSL
cards are OK. Further information is available at: 

P.S. Because of no propagation I can't work at 160
Meter. Sorry...


Berkin, TA3J/4 (ARLHS#TUR 065)
"For the memory of Bahri KACAN, TA2BK (SK)"

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