Topband: phasing two verticals

Earl W Cunningham k6se at
Sat Jun 18 23:44:22 EDT 2005

Ken, N6KB wrote:

"If you can make the verticals identical, and the surrounding ground
system the same for each vertical, and the effects of nearby objects
negligible, then you can determine the mutual impedances from well
established equations or graphs, and you don't need instrumentation to
determine it to sufficient accuracy to calculate the cable lengths and
make the array work."
True (for straight verticals), however the discussion is about VA3EF's
non-identical verticals, i.e., a shunt-fed tower and an inverted-L.  

You're not going to find any charts giving the mutuals for his situation
- and not for identical shunt-fed towers and identical inverted-Ls,

73, de Earl, K6SE

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