Topband: Reminder - Why didn't my post appear?

Bill Tippett btippett at
Wed Mar 2 06:59:00 EST 2005

          Please remember that top posts to unedited messages
are interpreted by me to mean you want them to go to an individual
and not the reflector.

          This has long been in our guidelines (below) but I've let it slide
for awhile.  Now I'm seeing many unedited replies to replies to replies.
If you choose to do that, your posts will simply be deleted without any
notification.  Yes, some have unlimited bandwidth but it's plain and simple
mental laziness not to spend a few seconds editing rather than top-posting
to all previous replies.  This is especially true for those who reply to
unedited digests!

The choice is yours...either:

1. Edit previous relevant comments only (preferable), OR
2. Don't include ANY previous comments at all (next best), OR
3. Don't be surprised when your posts don't show up.  ;-)

Thanks in advance for your help in following our guidelines!
73, Bill W4ZV

"Be considerate of other subscribers who have bandwidth limitations
and edit posts for brevity (include ONLY relevant excerpts of
previous posts). NOTE: Top-posting complete previous messages is
not allowed...please either edit relevant parts of prior messages or
delete them entirely. When responding to a specific individual, think
carefully before copying to the other 1227 of us on the reflector."

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