Topband: left coast activity 19-Mar-05

Dr .Wolf Ostwald 320057114934-0001 at
Sat Mar 19 01:48:00 EST 2005

hello reflectees !
The last days yielded a growing envelope of propagation.
Today the sigs from CA (W6RJ) and WA ( W7IUV) wre pretty stable.
Sigs from east of the Rockies ( N7JW and AA0RS ) about an S-unit
Dave indicated that there was a skew to the SE from his location and a transmit test showed the same on my receive end.
Tree had indicated earlier in the week that my sig had a kind of echo on it, surely something funny going on.
As of yet, i cant steer my array in small increments but plan on a triangle configuration which will be more versatile.
BTW : German frequency regulation has changed, we are now allowed full power from 1810 to 1840 kc !!!
good DX-ing everyone        de wolf  df2py

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