Topband: HB9CM Silent Key

Jim Brookmon jbrookmon at
Mon May 9 18:35:13 EDT 2005

I received news of Philo's passing a few days ago.  He will be remembered by Top Band DXers active in the mid to late 1960's.  
I met Philo in 1972. He was a very nice person and a great 160 meter Dxer.  He taught me all about eating Fondue, who pays for the wine when you drop a piece in the pot, also about raclette, a wonderful Swiss dinner.  I almost froze in his chalet at Planchettes however he brought heated bricks for the bed.  He was a great homebrew radio builder.  I will never forget working him on 160 and then working Dx from his qth when I was there.  The equipment was all homebrew with coils and long wire antennas stretched across and above the snow fields.  I am lucky I still have the photos.  Switzerland and radio has lost a wonderful human being.  God Bless his soul.

73 Jim WA4PXP

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