Topband: Experiences with inverted L K9SQG at
Tue May 31 21:17:49 EDT 2005

Fellow 160 meter enthusiasts,

I just joined the reflector and wonder if anybody could share their 
experiences with inverted L antennas, something along the lines of what a 35-40 ft 
vertical section and 90-100 ft horizontal section might perform like with say 
16-25 radials, about 100 ft long, buried.  This is the antenna I'm planning to 
erect, if it is worthwhile.  Modeling efforts of others indicate it has some 
potential, not a barn-burner, but at least it would get me back on the band after 
a 35 year gap.  But with very limited time, I'd rather not put up an antenna 
that will perform poorly for stateside contacts, hi.



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