Topband: Coil form material

Chortek, Robert L rlc at
Thu Nov 3 00:35:28 EST 2005

Thanks to all who responded to the question below.  The answer seems to
be there is no differnce in peformance for the conditions indicated.



I have made a loading coil for 160 meters of # 3 solid copper wire,
turns spaced about 1/4" apart, and 7" wide - air wound except the coil
holds its shape with two 12" by 1" by 1/8" pieces of polycarbonate. Will
I get better performance if I use a different material to hold the coil
in shape? I am told the dielectric constant of the polycarbonate is 4.2;
whereas Teflon is 2.0 and Delrin is 3.7  Is there a meaningful
difference in these materials for my purposes at 160 meters?
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