Topband: daylight DX W2pm at
Wed Nov 9 13:48:27 EST 2005

In a message dated 11/9/2005 10:15:17 AM Eastern Standard Time,  
jz73 at writes:

Tuesday  at 1930z  -- two and a half hours before my sundown -- I was copying 
 EA3JE CQing on 1830 kHz, peaking 569. The signal stayed in for 15-20 minutes 
 with solid copy

I noticed the same here in NNJ but then later on in the evening - 2 hours  
into darkness he was surprisingly weak - which in itself is odd since he  is 
usually as loud as a local.  
Several years ago - I think it was 2002, I worked a Italian at 2130Z in  late 
August. Surprised the heck out of me when I happened on to 160 by accident  
and heard the CQ.  Can't remember the call but it was a valid Q. And strong  
sigs. I think it was about his local sunset.
Pete, W2PM

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