Topband: K3EQ Vertical

WS6X ws6x at
Thu Nov 10 12:25:28 EST 2005

>>From: "wa4fki" <wa4fki at>

>>Subject: Topband: K3EQ Vertical


>>Any one built the Vertical for 160 through 30 meters that appeared in
>>September 1981 QST? It was designed by Wayne Sanford K3EQ (not listed in
>>QRZ) with that call. 





>Subject: Topband: K3EQ Vertical


> GE Bill,


> I'm curious if that article might have been published in any other 

> ARRL antenna books. I don't have access to Sept. 81 QST.


> Thanks,


> Jim - WS6X



Thanks to all who responded off line. Gene, AD3F, found the actual article
in the "Members Only" QST archive, on the ARRL site. The article is titled,
"A Modest 45-Foot DX Vertical For 160, 80, 40 and 30 Meters." ARRL members
can find it here:


Thanks Again,


Jim - WS6X 


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