Topband: Technology "QSO's"

Dave Heil k8mn at
Sun Nov 13 17:12:44 EST 2005

Larry Molitor wrote:
> --- Bill Tippett wrote:
>> decode a weak signal with my own ears (not eyes),
>> it's not a
>> genuine "QSOin my book.
> I've been watching this thread for a while and mostly
> agree with what everyone has been saying. What is
> important to remember is that this is a HOBBY! We do
> it for enjoyment, relaxation, and personal
> satisfaction. Nobody pays us to "do it right". 

That's right, nobody pays us to do it right.  We do it right because we
do all of this for the love of it.  The term "amateur" in "radio amateur"
doesn't mean that we communicate poorly, or that our standards are
somehow less than those of professionals.  Too many things done badly
are excused by saying "It is only a hobby".  I don't want to be a bad
amateur astronomer, a mediocre amateur musician or a crummy amateur

> If two guys want to make a QSO that's mostly via the
> Internet that's their business, no one else.

That simply isn't correct.  *If* you choose to do so and *if* the guy
on the other end of the QSO agrees with you and *if* you don't submit
those QSOs for awards purposes, it might be alright. If you submit them
for awards, it isn't alright.  It demonstrates a lack of ethics.

> In fact
> no one else has the right or the privilege to even
> comment on the validity of that contact. Period.

That's also incorrect.  Anyone living in our country may comment about
most anything without fear of reprisal.  I don't need any special
privilege to do so.  The right is mine by birth.

> If
> you contest, then you agree to a set of rules and you
> are responsible for compliance and every other
> contester has the right and privilege to judge you.

...and the sponsoring organization may judge you and disqualify you.

> Some might say this is also true of the ARRL DXCC
> program, but if fact, all you really need to do is
> make sure your check doesn't bounce. 

See?  You have a right to make a comment, no matter how incorrect or
wrong-headed it might be!

> Bill's comment about computer aided QSO’s set me off,
> because I have been exposed to this attitude quite a
> bit over the last year and I find it annoying. It
> shows a complete lack of understanding of how the new
> digital modes work.

(rest of digital gripe snipped)

I don't think Bill meant that digital mode QSOs weren't valid. A digital
mode QSO isn't the same as a QSO partially conducted over the internet,
but Bill can clarify that if he likes.

The curmudgeon on the hill,

Dave Heil K8MN

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