Topband: qrss & such

Jim Jarvis jimjarvis at
Sun Nov 13 19:33:37 EST 2005

As Bill Tippett observes, many of the digital modes won't cut
it in the QSB/QRM/QRN/weak-signal/short-opening environment of 160.

And there isn't enough time in life to accept QRSS,
as Bill also observed.

A year ago, I raised the psk31 question..and I raise it again...
Is it fast enough, stable enough, phase noise tolerant enough, to be
of use on topband?   Surely casual psk'ers can't play.  qrp & small
antennas won't prove squat.  We need guys with big antennas, full power,
and phase-noise clean tx's to explore the mode.  Will phase anomalies in
the auroral zone wipe it out, or just limit it a bit?  Unexplored.

As for computers, waterfalls & cet....  detection is detection.
(with acknowledgement of the vision-impaired.)

In my log,  I hear it, I confirm it, I hear it confirmed, and then I log it.
But I'm not throwing out technology while doing makes no sense.
No more than hoping for a random fish to show up in the 90 second
opening to JA.  Can you say Poisson?  (Go K1ZM!)

Statistically yours,


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