Topband: Technology "QSO's"

jon jones n0jk at
Mon Nov 14 15:14:02 EST 2005

The topic of "technology digital QSOs" is a major issue in on the VHF bands 
currently. But "QRSS" and JT-65 could easily be used on 160M. A major 
problem with the digital modes on VHF is they have "lowered the bar" to 
achieving awards such as DXCC and WAS on 6M, and VUCC and WAS on 2M. In the 
past, one had to study propagation, wait years for solar cycle peak F2 and 
multi-hop Es, and be "in the right place at the right time" to earn a DXCC 
on 6M. Same in many respects for the Top Band. It took Stew Perry years of 
hard work and persistence to earn his 160 Meter DXCC.

With JT-65 EME, now a station's computer can work "new ones" off the moon 
every week while the operator catches up on e-mail, pays bills on-line, etc. 
If signals are extremely weak, sometimes JT-65 has trouble with the de-codes 
and the software "guesses" at the contact exchange. Other times the ops 
"confirm" their digital QSOs in an internet chat room. Bill is correct about 
this one:

"It is also similar to how many VHF modes work such as WSJT, etc.
Are these computer-to-computer "QSO's" really valid?  Not in my
book.  IMHO they are little different than using the Internet...
they just happen to use RF for a computer-to-computer connection
instead of fiber optics." - W4ZV

Bill is also right on about what a "genuine QSO" is:

>Bill, W4ZV, said:
>"If I cannot decode a weak signal with my own ears (not eyes), it's not a
>genuine "QSO" in my book."

Many 50 MHz operators have embraced JT-65, and it appears from this thread 
some 160M operators are OK with the new digital modes for the Top Band. "I 
agree with Larry (W7IUV), nobody has the authority to tell what is the 
"right" way to enjoy our hobby."  - George VE3NZ

George and Larry W7IUV have a point.  But many of us operate 160M (and VHF) 
because of the challenge. If the bar to achieving awards is lowered too far, 
the DX becomes too easy to work, then for me - perhaps time to find another 

- Jon N0JK

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